Monday, May 24, 2010

Crushing the Bar Exam

Hi all - I apologize that it has been so long since my last post! I was on "vacation" if you could really call it that...and now studying for the Bar has commenced. What a process, but I will say that for the last few days I have actually enjoyed the studying process because I actually feel like I am leaning something. Hopefully this will continue the next 10 weeks.

Big and I celebrated our two year anniversary yesterday - hard to believe! It does not feel like its been that long at all. Well, I suppose that is a good thing. He is studying for the Bar as well and we are doing well together through this process. It's nice to have the support but its tough when one of us has a meltdown...

On our way home from hockey last night, we started talking about kids we would someday have, and he has already implemented some rules for them - good ones - but I wonder if when the time comes we will have some very different parenting styles. I found myself wondering if the main goal for raising kids was to just have them come out less fucked up than we are. Personally, I think my parents did a great job. They treated me as an adult from the second I was born and really let me make my own decisions, and i USUALLY made the right ones :) but when I didn't I wasn't grounded or punished, I was just told that I had disappointed them, which honestly was much worse than being in trouble. I guess we all turned out ok, but for the ladies I will say that it is outrageously difficult to overcome the 25+ years of bad parenting that our significant others have had - I guess there is some truth to what my dad says "There is a reason that mother in-laws are universally loathed" lol. I love that guy.

Speaking of parents and in-laws, my parents are coming to beantown this weekend to see their only offspring graduate law school. Now, I'm not too excited about the actual ceremony, but I am pumped about the sswweeeeetttt robes we are wearing. They look they are made for people joining the Skulls. Big heavy black robes with velvet stripes on the sleeves with purple and gold hoods. Crazy, but pretty bad ass. I'm glad the fam will be here - it's sad getting ready for that big move and thinking about little I will actually see them. Maybe they will join their aging friends and become snowbirds themselves six months out of the year.

--Just a side note, I am madly in love with Justin Beiber, I have listened to about 10 songs from him just while writing this...he's a dreamboat ---

To those studying for the Bar, good luck and we will all get through this, and for those of you who are not, enjoy your week and the nice weather! Take care everyone!!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today is the day...

Well, today certainly is the day. Classes are long done, the semester is over and I have one brief final standing between me and "freedom", meaning the one week of relaxation I have before bar exam studying commences...

In the waning months of my law school career and common phenomenon took place. People are growing more and more irritated with one another, perhaps it is just me, but I suspect not. It appears as though everyone that I know has at least one or two people in their lives that are just plauging them. It could be the stress of starting a new chapter, but I wonder, what is about the end of things that makes people so rotteN? I can't imagine it is because we are all going to miss each other terribly, because that is certainly not the case. Is it some type of jealousy? A frind of mine was just in the office telling me about some doofus who made a rude comment about something that she had posted on her blog - apparently blogging is popular amongst the students - and how it upset her. After hearing he was a middle aged dirtball, it's hard to imagine that he could not be jealous of her good fortune; she is having a baby, graduating from law school, buying a house and has a great job...shes all set!

Big found out that he got his dream job in our dream city so we are heading there just as soon as we finish the bar. He has worked so hard and really deserves this! Congrats babe! I love you!

Well thats all for now, sorry it wasn't more entertaining, but I 'm getting ready to haed to this LAST final of my life! Will report after!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

End of Days

Good Afternoon All,

I know that I swore up and down that I would blog everyday and that I would be on top of it, but this last week has been so crazy - for all of us I'm sure. There are just so many tedious monotonous things to do before this school will release me.

At my office, we don't operate like those of you who are out in the real world. We have a "secretary" who honestly does quite little except look up strange things on line - BELIEVE ME when i say that I am not one to talk when it comes to this but...and it is the most absurd thing ever. We are not allowed to send any mail out by ourselves. The secretary must do it, not to mention know every single detail of what the case is about, what the letter is about, who its going to, why its going there, where else it is going etc. and she is RIGHT there to tell you if you don't dot an I or cross a T. It's really quite rewarding to know that every month I pay all kinds of bills to people and deal with even more people every day and I'm not capable of sending a letter out. Maybe a law degree really is worthless??
Frack and my supervisor have mentioned this, and the fact that Secretaries job responsibilites have dwindled to next to nothing...hmmm. And why does she need to call me on the phone to ask me something? Why not just say my name, I can LITERALLY hear this woman breathe she sits so close. Only two more days here....UGH

I've just been so bogged down lately with all that has been going on - trying to relocate is crazy and its really stressful. And honestly, I'm doing it alone lol, Big and I haven't sat down together to talk about this in, I kid you not, like 10-12 days. And it's hard coordinating a major move via text message. By the time we sit down to talk its 10 o'clock and way to late and tiring to do it then...i'm worried we will be living on the beach in a box with our two cats! We will figure it out...

Big (I was too) was really upset about something that we saw on the news last night. A woman had to have her cat put to sleep because someone doused the poor little guy in Diesel fuel. WTF is wrong with people? seriously? A cat, of all the defenseless elast dogs can bite or bark or run really fast, but not the little buddies, they can't do anything :( People are fucked -always have been and always will be I guess. But this is just sickening. The MSPCA is offering a reward for anyone that knows the shitbum that did this so if you hear anything, report it! and then donate the money to an animal shelter

People on the T are fatter and grosser than ever and it doesn't help that it is almost May and feels like the dead of January, causing people to wear obsecenely large winter coats and boots.

Well, I have to run. I just got word from Secretary that I am incapabale of writing a date on the calendar correctly. Shocker. Add it to the list. Have a great day guys!! a Kish for Big since I never see him any more :( I know how you feel Frack...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big's Big Day

Good Morning -

I apologize for my weekend long hiatus. It's that time of year and everything is winding down - finally. School is coming to a close and I will be totally down next Tuesday and could not be happier.

As most of you know Big's been waiting to hear about a job offer and yesterday he finally got the good news - unofficial good news. Assuming there are no major catastrophes with the budget in the next 6 days, he is good to go and will get his firm offer Monday. So fingers crossed still - just in case. He is so happier and I could not be prouder of him. He has worked his ass off - literally hes really skinny- the last three years and got his dream job - minus the salary, not so dreamy. But it's in a great location and I can't wait to get there. Just have to get by the last hurdle - that pesky little bar exam.

With the good news brings a whole list of things to worry about now. Mainly, where are we going to live and should we buy or rent? Hoe does one go about facilitating a long distance move from Boston? How many thousands is it going to cost for us to get where we are going? All things to consider, but we are still riding high right now so these things will all get worked out.

Nothing much else to report. No new rants just the usual grind. I am however, trying to find a replacement for myself at my job that I will be leaving after graduation. The people that have submitted resumes aer outrageous. Mostly informal crazy weirdos who assume that they are entitled to the job - which they are not- and its been a very stressful process. I have someone in mind, but we will see. Interviews start tomorrow.
I guess we will see who shows up...
Have a great day!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Unfriend-ly Facebook

Good Morning readers -

Surprisingly enough nothing outrageously tragic happened on the MBTA this am- which is strange because I was carrying a homemade red velvet cake with me, so as Murphy's Law would have it, I was destined to have the cake fall on the floor or the train, or better yet on to a screaming child that is uncontrollably running amok.

There has been a lot of negative coverage about Facebook as of late, most notably right here in Beantown because of the death of Pheobe Prince, a high school student who was tormented so badly on Facebook by her classmates, that she took her own life. When I first heard about this I was obviously shocked - it brought me to tears actually - but after talking about with Frack and some others, it really became clear that Facebook is one of - if not the front runner - the reasons that the "kids" today are out of control. Now, don't get me wrong I don't mean out of control like our parents saying we listened to bad 90's R&B, no, I mean kids today are vicious and borderline psychotic, and I'm frustrated that people - most of all parents - are not taking more notice of this.

In my house, growing up, computers were still not anywhere near as integral as they are today, but I did have my own laptop (freshman year of college truth be told) that was for my own use, but never once did I ever think of using it as an outlet to torment someone. Yes, I suppose the occasional spat on AIM but noting even close to what goes on today. More and more kids (and by kids I mean 17 and under) have absolutely unbridled access to anything that is on the Internet, in an instant.

I remember when Facebook fist came out, I held back and was one of the last of my friends to join. When I finally did, I was happy to hear from some old high school friends who were in college and it was a nice way to easily connect with other people on your own campus. But lo and behold, the creators of Facebook bowed down to the almighty dollar and opened it up (eventually) to everyone. When this happened, I vividly remember thinking that this was a terrible idea. Kids are terrible enough on their own, now giving them the ability to be faceless and nameless with complete access to all the worlds atrocities is an absolute recipe for disaster and that's exactly what happened with Phoebe Prince.

I'm nearing my 25th (terrifying) birthday and am starting to think that at some point in the next five years, having a kid wouldn't be the end of the world. A good friend of mine is currently pregnant, and she is on top of the world. But, I can't help wondering by the time it happens for me, what world will this kid be raised in? I am ALREADY way too overprotective of a kid that I don't even have. I cannot imagine how my parents didn't go mad with absolute terror every time I left the house to go out driving, or with my friends, etc. Thinking of all the absolutely STUPID things that I did (Sorry mom and dad - love you)while I was away from them. One particular trip to VA Beach sticks out - where my bestie looks at me while driving (12 hours in might I add) and says "man, I just had the weirdest dream" - Mrs. XXX. Luckily enough we made it home, but not without an ex-husband in tow.

Anyways, back to my point. There is no check on kids on Facebook. Parents, and I honestly believe that the quality of parenting in this country has so rapidly diminished even from when I was in school, cannot do it all. As much as I hate to say this and it does go against every fundamental belief that I have, there needs to be some intervention at the school level or the state level. High schoolers and junior high kids are so over stimulated between the texting, IMing, Facebook, Tweeting (WTF that is...) that when there is nothing going on, they use these outlets to torture people. I saw a Dr. Phil (sigh, groan, eyeroll) recently where five girls invited a "friend" over and beat the SHIT out of her, all while video taping it, and then POSTED IT on Facebook - kids WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?

If Facebook is going to be completely unregulated and frighteningly present amongst the "kids of America" then there needs to be some sever consequences to the things that these urchins do. It's especially frightening to me because I already see just how slow the law is to catch up to the technology. I have had clients ask me to try and admit MySpace print outs of what her is ex is doing. That's like asking me to thread a jump rope through the eye of a needle. Not gonna happen. Which sucks because we would have hit a "legal" home run if we could do that, there is just no law that supports it. Oh well, perhaps that's my lot in life - to be a lobbyist to get the laws to catch up.

Lastly, the worst part about Facebook is that it is unbelievably annoying. I use it mainly to read my mom's posts (parents on FB is a whole new chapter) and to make sure Big is friending any skanks (which he doesn't, usually....) and that's the extent of it. I SELDOM put up a "status message" etc. but last night, I did. I posted "Go Bruins!! Amazing!!" Because, quite honestly, it was amazing, they played a better team and they won in double overtime. Well, being from where I am from I should have been rooting for the other guys - and believe me my Facebook "friends" let me know it. Mostly in good fun, but still, I posted that because I had a great night with Big watching the game and stuffing our faces with Pizza Hut (delicious might I add) and I was happy that our team won. The Bruins are a special thing that we love together and its a thing between us. We go to the games where the jerseys and dance when they score and cheer at the fights. It's one of our "things." I was happy so I posted and all comments were "DISLIKE" "I wish there was a dislike button" nothing too harsh but enough to be annoying. And believe it or not an astounding number of my "friends" watch play off hockey - I was shocked. And of course they all had something to post about the loss of the golden boy Ryan Miller.

Sorry for my lengthy rant, but things have got to change. Our society is crumbling on itself and these hatemonger youths are allegedly "the future." Things need to get in check so if you know a youngster, perhaps take the time to point out the reality of FB, because kids just don't get that EVERYONE they know sees EVERYTHING that they post. Employers, parents, teachers...EVERYONE. I've seen it happen with Big - his cousin (under 17) posted pictures of herself in a hotel room hitting a bong, on beds with guys, drinking, etc...and Bigs mom (bless her soul) saw it, alerted the girls mom, but to no avail. The pictures still stand.

Who's to blame, the kids or the parents, or society? We will never know for sure, but we need to stop this nonsense or we are all in for it.

Take care and have a great day!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Are We There Yet?

Good morning - well almost afternoon now.

The end is near - the end of law school that is - and I am hoping that the next ten or so days go by with unfettered speed. How glorious be the day when I can say that I am done with this place. Don't get me wrong the people (well, a select few) are great, but overall what a long and tiresome journey. Three long years, all boiling down to three months, two days, and...One Test.

What a rigourous process the bar exam has already been. Everytime I turn around it seems that I am handing out money for this test. Fifteen here, three thousand there, another 875...outrageous. But, the most egregious fee of them all was the great state of new york charging me THIRTY DOLLARS for a copy of my OWN birth certificate. Shock. My loving parents were kind enough to scurry to the county office to deal with the bridge-dwelling trolls that operate it, and expedite me a copy. So come Thursday mine and Bigs applications are in the mail. Thank the lord.

I'm becoming increasingly nervous for this test, but I think that it will be manageable. I hope that I have the attention span and the mental wear with all to be able to focus for eight weeks straight.

Nothing tragic happened to me on the MBTA this morning, sorry to say. The ride was seamless and the only down side was that I was stuck between two tubby men both with iPhones in oppoiste hands, meaning that their elbows were digging in both sides of my body.

Well, I'm off to lunch with Frack so we can pick a new hair color for her. Sorry this post was a little lackluster, but go BRUINS!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Real Housewives of...Hell?

I have to begin by apologizing that I didn't make it to the computer yesterday to post - I was working alllll day and slept as late as possible because Big and myself were at a banquet for school the night before. The banquet was great but it's always surprising about these "smart" type women at school - quiet an d mousy, not to mention borderline frumpy all year, then throw a few drinks in them and they are whoring it up! There was so much stretched material and boobs flyin' everywhere...crazy, but fun.

Just a quick note for all you wine drinkers (of my three followers) I started working at a wine store lately and I really have been wanting to increase my knowledge of wine - beyond the three dollar bottle of Berringer EmStem and I drink on the weekends...I have tried three new ones so far - first: Jam Jar - a very sweet Shiraz, very light very fruity, highly recommend. Second: Red Diamond Merlot - a little heavier, not as sweet, a little bitter aftertaste, but overall I'd give it a 5/10 with a so-so recommendation. Lastly was the Beaujolais Villages Gamay - Delicious. This wine was great and I really enjoyed it - very mild with hints of fruit but really overall a great wind.

Now on to some more important matters. First and foremost, my readers know that Friday was my dad's birthday. Well, my dad has not had a drop of alcohol in more than thirty years (a personal decision), but still spends times in various bars with my mom because the two of them follow a bunch of Irish bands. They went out last night (Sat) to a bar the really like to hear one of these bands - now Big and I had made it an early night as we were both exhausted- and just as I'm dozing off, I get this text message from my mom:
Drunk girl flashed her ti*s at dad and said happy birthday then came back and did it again
Well - go dad. If you knew my father you would know that he is the calmest and most bashful man on this planet and I can only imagine what was going through his mind - wel lets not imagine that, but its hard to believe that of all people that this would happen to him - sorry dad.

Well on to the crux of this blog, and it will be a little shorter than I'd like because I do have to get going to work.
This weeks episode of Real Housewives of NYC. I am just appalled. I watched it this am and I just cannot believe that people this terrible exist on this planet.
First: Kelli Bensimon - wow. WTF is wrong with you. This woman could possibly be the stupidest thing on two legs. When she speaks, I bleed from my ears, which I am thankful for so that I cannot hear the stupid things that spew from her horse mouth. She walks around talking about her ex husband - the famous Jil Bensimon, fashion photographer, who is 700 hundred years old and he still left her. Well, Kelli, you are a dunce. The things you say and do are outrageously stupid. Your ugly hobo, dirty black knit cap is not "trendy" nor is it acceptable to wear in public because you look dirty and I would throw money at you if I saw you on the street. Just to wrap up - let's discuss the little snippet of her and Simon at some uber expensive trendy boutique. Kelli claims that Simon has no style so she takes him under her flabby wing and tries to dress him. Now mind you she shows up in the aforementioned hobo hat, an acid wash jean denim skirt from 1983, and a knit sweater with a giant bear crocheted on the back of it. Yes, Kelli, tell us all about fashion you fur wearing numbskull.

Jill: you are rotten to the core. Poor Bethenny is the nicest person on earth, and now pregnant, and because you are so self absorbed you can't understand that. And she is right - you only like the underdogs. Poor Bobby, how does he possibly tolerate you on a daily basis. I even have to admit that after last weeks episode and this weeks, I am on team Ramona, well I was until I saw her walk down that runway - but that's another story. Jill, give it up. Really. No one "ambushed" you and you shouldn't be "devastated". Welcome to the real world, where the rest of us that are not washed up Upper East Siders reside. Everyone has to go through life dealing with people they don't get along with. Seriously, suck it up and get over it. Bethenny was also right when she said that nothing she did would be good enough - and as soon as Bobby tells Jill about that letter, all she can say is "Well she didn't write me a letter" - OMG Jill. Give it up. Move on.

Ok readers, I have to go to work, but we will resume this later...Have a great day!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Morning Coffee with Mr. Big

Well, there is no morning commute to write about today because its Friday and it's the best day of the week. Before I go on any further I need to say Happy Birthday to the best guy in my life. He is so awesome and is such a great person - and he's lucky enough to be my dad! So Happy Birthday Dad! I love you!
Speaking of dad's, let me next say in advance that this blog is best described as an outlet for my rants - so please be forgiving about any grammatical or spelling mistakes that are made. I ask this because yesterday, in the afterglow of my first blog post, my dad emailed me and said this:
Hi, I'm running on empty and out of time to talk too long but I loved your rant. However, and I hate to do this because I can just see you rolling your eyes back and goinng, DAAAAAAAAAAAAAD! but you have to proofread your work. You can type like lightning but you have to spell check and read it back. Years from now when the commie libs try to find some terrible writings of yours from the past, you won't want them to say that you couldn't spell or use the right word as well as being a right wing nut job. I thought it was great, but give it another 90 seconds.
So in case you were wondering where my dry sense of humor comes from - it is this man. Please note spelling error. love u dad.

Moving right along. It's 745 am and I'm sitting looking out the window and drinking my coffee- very Carrie Bradshaw of me. I've been concerned about the rain lately and can't help but wonder if it is becoming apocalyptic. There have literally been people boating up and down their streets - oh well, we will see. Speaking of apocalypse, I am extremely fond of this website because it is the most awesome thing ever. I mention it because a few weeks ago there was a post about some EvilFish (it's name) that supposedly lives miles and miles under the sea that had surfaced in Japan. This fish was honest to God at least 20 feet long. Apparently the few times in history that this fish has surfaced, it has been just before some catastrophic event - like the Tsunami a few years back. This worries me because one of the best people in my life - we can call her Mrs.XXX lives in Japan. I worry about her alot because some of the most outrageous things i see on the Internet come from some freaks in Japan - case in point, the Japanese recently invented a video game that allows you to simulate raping a woman, impregnating her, and then talking her into getting an abortion - classy.

There is not too much else to report. As most of you know graduation is upon us in just a few short weeks and it is about time. I am, however, surprised at what an arduous process this has become. There is a laundry list of things you have to do before school will release from its clenched talons, but there is no one there to help you or remind you to do these things. Not that I am a deadbeat, but how will I know to have someone measure my head for my cap unless Frack - my lovely coworker- mentioned it to me? I would have been walking across stage with a teacup sized hat, or worse yet, one that fell over my eyes making me slip and causing a scene - excellent.

Now on to Frack. She deserves a special mention today because she is one of the few people in that office that have kept me sane this semester. She was the first one to celebrate (a teary, smiley, cheer fest in the office) with me when my divorce was finalized, which is ironic because she is getting ready to march down the aisle herself, but her main squeeze seems like a great guy :) You may wonder why I call her Frack but funnily (a word?) enough, because we are constant companions, our supervisor has deemed us Frick and Frack - so heres to you Frack :) I love this woman because of special convo we recently had about T riders - both babies and Asians. I will let you all in on it soon...

There are some awesome people at work - all who will be starring roles in this blog - with clever nicknames of course!

Well, I need to get ready to drive Mr. Big (my love) to the T. But just a quick glimmer into my morning, he is standing next to me in the bathroom doorway, naked as a jaybird brushing his teeth, while petting Julius - our cat, who is standing on the toilet - all while wearing one of the new Bump Its that I just bought. I love this man with all my heart but he is crazy. And now Julius is laying on the toilet - if only he would pee in there - oops never mind, Big just put him down and goes "Hahaha (in his best Nelson voice) I stole your seat"...yikes.

Well, I'm off - have an excellent day and PLEASE be careful of the freaks...especially the one in my bathroom.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Morning Commute

After living in Beantown just shy of three years, I have become quite accustomed to the everyday annoyances of the "morning commute." Each day I wake up in anticipation of swift, easy train ride to work, with minimal interference from the riders. Eachd ay I am more dissapointed than the last. After parking my car in the overpriced gaarage, I walk to the train, am rudely shoved by some troll who is in hurry to get up to the platform and wait an obscene about of time for the train to arrive.
Then there is the dreaded escalator - the rule is simple, walk left, stand right, and if you have kids get them the F out of the way - and if you have an SUV for a stroller - USE THE ELEVATOR. Why do people not understnad this. There is barely room for two people to stand side by side on this thing and Suzy Stay at Home has the latest and greatest Eddie Bauer Expedition stroller for her child who is clearly old enough to have a part time job by now.
Once I finally see that train pulling in, there is a little bit of anxiety while waiting to see just how crowded today's ride will be. Everyone racing to the nearest door to push their way on to get a coveted metal seat with with 1980's velour covering. NOTE: gettin on the T is the worst part of my day. Again, the concept is simple - doors open -> get on. Doors closed -> you can no longer get on. On more than one occasion I have seen people do absolutely outrageous things to get on. Once a girl, who looked normal enough, broke into a full sprint, knocking people out of her way, put her harm in the door and literally ripping the train doors open, all while clenching her teeth in an atrocious fashion. She then gets on successfully and screams "YES!" at the top of her lungs. Was this necessary?
Once I (usually) successfully make it in the train - there is, without fail, someone on a mission from God who will ruin this ride. Whet er is be the person SCREAMING in a generic Asian dialect into their cell phone, most often hanging up and speaking to their neighbor in seamless English, or some unfit mother who is allowing their child to scream uncontrollably or climb all over passengers who are still half asleep, or some inconsiderate bastard that decides that is so important that he could not possibly take up less than three seats. Two weeks ago, I encountered and alleged human being (I say alleged because there are some of you walking around that are just so unbelievable, it is hard to imagine that we share the same genetic code,) who - at peak rush hour - decided that he would take up four seats. Two with is tattered bags which must have contained all his worldly possessions and two with his body - which was small for a man, all while having his entire face wrapped in a black scar from chin to forehead. I thought this train was going to be on the evening news and we were all going to go up in flames. What was worse about this scene was that everyone was terrified of this guy. Women clutching their handbags, looking nervously around, men backing away giving him some space - as though they were dealing with a hostage situation.
People I ask you is this the best that Mass Transit can be? Really??
More to come about that wonderful little miracle known as a "switch problem" which I am certain is a made up situation, only to allow the MBTA workers to shirk ALL responsibility - not that they couldn't carry any less as it is.