Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big's Big Day

Good Morning -

I apologize for my weekend long hiatus. It's that time of year and everything is winding down - finally. School is coming to a close and I will be totally down next Tuesday and could not be happier.

As most of you know Big's been waiting to hear about a job offer and yesterday he finally got the good news - unofficial good news. Assuming there are no major catastrophes with the budget in the next 6 days, he is good to go and will get his firm offer Monday. So fingers crossed still - just in case. He is so happier and I could not be prouder of him. He has worked his ass off - literally hes really skinny- the last three years and got his dream job - minus the salary, not so dreamy. But it's in a great location and I can't wait to get there. Just have to get by the last hurdle - that pesky little bar exam.

With the good news brings a whole list of things to worry about now. Mainly, where are we going to live and should we buy or rent? Hoe does one go about facilitating a long distance move from Boston? How many thousands is it going to cost for us to get where we are going? All things to consider, but we are still riding high right now so these things will all get worked out.

Nothing much else to report. No new rants just the usual grind. I am however, trying to find a replacement for myself at my job that I will be leaving after graduation. The people that have submitted resumes aer outrageous. Mostly informal crazy weirdos who assume that they are entitled to the job - which they are not- and its been a very stressful process. I have someone in mind, but we will see. Interviews start tomorrow.
I guess we will see who shows up...
Have a great day!

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