Thursday, April 22, 2010

Unfriend-ly Facebook

Good Morning readers -

Surprisingly enough nothing outrageously tragic happened on the MBTA this am- which is strange because I was carrying a homemade red velvet cake with me, so as Murphy's Law would have it, I was destined to have the cake fall on the floor or the train, or better yet on to a screaming child that is uncontrollably running amok.

There has been a lot of negative coverage about Facebook as of late, most notably right here in Beantown because of the death of Pheobe Prince, a high school student who was tormented so badly on Facebook by her classmates, that she took her own life. When I first heard about this I was obviously shocked - it brought me to tears actually - but after talking about with Frack and some others, it really became clear that Facebook is one of - if not the front runner - the reasons that the "kids" today are out of control. Now, don't get me wrong I don't mean out of control like our parents saying we listened to bad 90's R&B, no, I mean kids today are vicious and borderline psychotic, and I'm frustrated that people - most of all parents - are not taking more notice of this.

In my house, growing up, computers were still not anywhere near as integral as they are today, but I did have my own laptop (freshman year of college truth be told) that was for my own use, but never once did I ever think of using it as an outlet to torment someone. Yes, I suppose the occasional spat on AIM but noting even close to what goes on today. More and more kids (and by kids I mean 17 and under) have absolutely unbridled access to anything that is on the Internet, in an instant.

I remember when Facebook fist came out, I held back and was one of the last of my friends to join. When I finally did, I was happy to hear from some old high school friends who were in college and it was a nice way to easily connect with other people on your own campus. But lo and behold, the creators of Facebook bowed down to the almighty dollar and opened it up (eventually) to everyone. When this happened, I vividly remember thinking that this was a terrible idea. Kids are terrible enough on their own, now giving them the ability to be faceless and nameless with complete access to all the worlds atrocities is an absolute recipe for disaster and that's exactly what happened with Phoebe Prince.

I'm nearing my 25th (terrifying) birthday and am starting to think that at some point in the next five years, having a kid wouldn't be the end of the world. A good friend of mine is currently pregnant, and she is on top of the world. But, I can't help wondering by the time it happens for me, what world will this kid be raised in? I am ALREADY way too overprotective of a kid that I don't even have. I cannot imagine how my parents didn't go mad with absolute terror every time I left the house to go out driving, or with my friends, etc. Thinking of all the absolutely STUPID things that I did (Sorry mom and dad - love you)while I was away from them. One particular trip to VA Beach sticks out - where my bestie looks at me while driving (12 hours in might I add) and says "man, I just had the weirdest dream" - Mrs. XXX. Luckily enough we made it home, but not without an ex-husband in tow.

Anyways, back to my point. There is no check on kids on Facebook. Parents, and I honestly believe that the quality of parenting in this country has so rapidly diminished even from when I was in school, cannot do it all. As much as I hate to say this and it does go against every fundamental belief that I have, there needs to be some intervention at the school level or the state level. High schoolers and junior high kids are so over stimulated between the texting, IMing, Facebook, Tweeting (WTF that is...) that when there is nothing going on, they use these outlets to torture people. I saw a Dr. Phil (sigh, groan, eyeroll) recently where five girls invited a "friend" over and beat the SHIT out of her, all while video taping it, and then POSTED IT on Facebook - kids WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?

If Facebook is going to be completely unregulated and frighteningly present amongst the "kids of America" then there needs to be some sever consequences to the things that these urchins do. It's especially frightening to me because I already see just how slow the law is to catch up to the technology. I have had clients ask me to try and admit MySpace print outs of what her is ex is doing. That's like asking me to thread a jump rope through the eye of a needle. Not gonna happen. Which sucks because we would have hit a "legal" home run if we could do that, there is just no law that supports it. Oh well, perhaps that's my lot in life - to be a lobbyist to get the laws to catch up.

Lastly, the worst part about Facebook is that it is unbelievably annoying. I use it mainly to read my mom's posts (parents on FB is a whole new chapter) and to make sure Big is friending any skanks (which he doesn't, usually....) and that's the extent of it. I SELDOM put up a "status message" etc. but last night, I did. I posted "Go Bruins!! Amazing!!" Because, quite honestly, it was amazing, they played a better team and they won in double overtime. Well, being from where I am from I should have been rooting for the other guys - and believe me my Facebook "friends" let me know it. Mostly in good fun, but still, I posted that because I had a great night with Big watching the game and stuffing our faces with Pizza Hut (delicious might I add) and I was happy that our team won. The Bruins are a special thing that we love together and its a thing between us. We go to the games where the jerseys and dance when they score and cheer at the fights. It's one of our "things." I was happy so I posted and all comments were "DISLIKE" "I wish there was a dislike button" nothing too harsh but enough to be annoying. And believe it or not an astounding number of my "friends" watch play off hockey - I was shocked. And of course they all had something to post about the loss of the golden boy Ryan Miller.

Sorry for my lengthy rant, but things have got to change. Our society is crumbling on itself and these hatemonger youths are allegedly "the future." Things need to get in check so if you know a youngster, perhaps take the time to point out the reality of FB, because kids just don't get that EVERYONE they know sees EVERYTHING that they post. Employers, parents, teachers...EVERYONE. I've seen it happen with Big - his cousin (under 17) posted pictures of herself in a hotel room hitting a bong, on beds with guys, drinking, etc...and Bigs mom (bless her soul) saw it, alerted the girls mom, but to no avail. The pictures still stand.

Who's to blame, the kids or the parents, or society? We will never know for sure, but we need to stop this nonsense or we are all in for it.

Take care and have a great day!


  1. To read more about Phoebe Price, click here!

  2. I plan not not telling my child that the internet exists.

  3. First of all, I agree with everything you say regarding facebook and children. Also, i feel as though I should add i am deeply concerned by the fact that you do not think having a child is the worst thing in the world, and should clarify that had the Virginia trip only taken the 8 hours that it was supposed to, I wouldnt have fallen asleep. but 12 hours later and the resonating snore that was coming from the back seat made it inevitable.
    and i also like how you refer to the delinquents of America as urchins. well done.
